dinsdag 16 augustus 2016

Long Weekend

Hi guys

So, we had a long (not long enough) weekend, and i'd like to tell you about how was it!

It was quite exhausting acctually, as you may know, I study architecture and we had work to do to for today tuesday 16, we worked quite late friday night doing this thing.

ugly right,
Then i went to bed. just kidding it was friday, you shall go to pircas every friday you know.

saturday a friend of mine invited me to have lunch at this very special place in patronato called La Signoria, reeeaaally nice food, italian place, small and cozy, (pricey but hey, i didn't pay) and my ravioly was just awesome, later that day back to fau, to keep on working. Pancho the classmate that im working with on this project told me that ha had things to do on sunday so I booked a flight (a bus ride) to curico so i could spend a  day with my family.

didn't do much on sunday, I wokeup late, had lunch at grandma's place and then i did absolutely nothing the rest of the day but watching the olimpics

came back to santiago on monday, no holiday is for resting when you have -entrega- the day after.

that was my long but short weekend, teel me how was yours in the comments!

1 opmerking:

  1. we can´t have a quiet weekend with this career :( stupid architecture
