dinsdag 26 april 2016

Music is life, music is love.

Iya! fellow faublogglers

 There are moments in the life of every person that you perceive something, and you say, *yes, i like that*, those are quite important moments in life I would say, after all the things we like shapes us in certain ways, or they "help" to create/make an identity or whatever (maybe a topic for another blog).

 So, for today I'm gonna share with you something that has been quite important in my life, something I truly love in many ways: Music.

But for today and to not bore you my lovely reader, I'm going to share with you an album that made me wow, and also made me hear english for the first time ( aside of Pulse by Pink Floyd) still does. we may like lots and lots and lots of music, I do certainly, but for me, this is the greatest piece of all times.

Sgt.Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band By Beatles is definitevly my fauvorite album, okay, I must say that maybe is not an album that im listening at all times these days, no... but this album has always been there for me to listen again, and again, and not get bored, and find new things that i had not heard before in the million times I listened it, I probably listened it for the first time when i was a baby (thanks dad) but then i took it myself when i was let's say 14 years old when I was starting to pick up the guitar and play a bit. It's an amazing piece of art for the way it mixes sorts of music, rythms, styles weird noises, cool lyrics, and drugs culture in a breathtaking manner. AND it was released in 1967 beeing new amazig and exciting back then, and beeing amazing and exiting nowadays.

If i have to pick a song as a favorite of the album it's quite a difficult task, because the album works so well as a composicion itself. But If i had tom this would be the song, A Day In Life, a great song, beautifull lyrics and much more, take a listen

And fellas, that's it for today!; please write something down below about the music you like, and/or if you like beatles like I do tell me wich of them four is your favorite one

tip: Paul is the best one.

bye bye

dinsdag 19 april 2016

A Weird Hug

Hey fau Bloggers!

well, have a look at this picture.

Yes i know, hugging people like a koala may not seem like the most normal thing, but when you really love a peron, that friend of you that knows EVERYTHING about you, the friend that you have spent some of the greatest time of your life with, well, then you got to hug like a koala.

This picture was taken on september 2015, in Pichilemu Beach, a lovely small town with great places to eat a -not so nice but OK beach- and a lot of surf related people. so i know you're asking yourself something, Whos is she? well, She is Joaquina.

So, as you my beautifull readers may or may not know, I was an Exchange Student during the period from august 2014 till july 2015, in Vlaanderen, Belgium (I might post some something realted to this year of my life in the future [; ), Well, I met Her my first day in Belgium, she beeing also an exchanger, a beautifull girl coming from argentina,that lived in my region (limburg), that spoke perfect english and did also like 1975 just like me, we went to their concert in Bruxelles  togheter, we knew we were going to be best friends since.

With her I spent long days and nights travelling, having coffe, just doing nothing, maybe partying... just maybe (; ,beeing this year of my life full of awesome memories, i have to say that most of them are with her. But!! nothing last forever right? (specially an exchange year) and it was time to say goodbye to all the friends you made, and the life you had and the people and everything. Everybody went back to their home countries, sad thing, But hey!, she was (and still is) just couple mountains to the east so, why not meeting again?

That's what this foto is about, the exact moment when we met after that heart breaking goodbye at Brussel's airpor. the foto was taken by her parents, great people tho,I remember that day with special love we had a really nice meal at some fancy reastaurant called "la loba" and had a look around the city. she stayed for a week in Chile and im sure she liked it!.

Now it's my time, and Buenos Aires is waiting for me this Juny.

Besides everything, it's also quite a nice picture. that blue.


dinsdag 5 april 2016

Favorite Architect

Hello hello bloggers.

Here  i wowed.

This is De rotterdam, my favorite building, by my favorite architect. 

I'd like to talk a bit about my favorite architect at the moment, Rem Koolhas was born in rotterdam in 1944 he studied ar the Architectural Association School of Architecture un London. Koolaas is also a founding partner of OMA based in NYC wich is one of the most important architectural firms these days and AMO its research-oriented counterpart in Rotterdam. 

He is known for several works but i'd say that the most famous and iconic works of koolhaas are

Seattle Central Library, Seattle, Usa

Cctv Headquarters Building, Beijing, China

He is a very controversial architec and I think thats what I like the most about his work, He is a first-class provocateur, who apparently can't seem to behave. His rupturist stile and weird-like shapes just make me stare and wow.